Not Frequently Enough Asked Questions
workshop material
What is the matter with planet Earth today?
When did the problem actually begin?
How bad is the present ecological situation really?
Why are the words “Climate Crisis” nowhere to be read in this list of questions?
Is this a crisis or rather a catastrophe?
How is the present COVID crisis related to the ecological issue?
Which are the most urgent ecological issues we need to address today?
Should fighting ecological breakdown have priority over fighting social inequalities?
What is the link between the many different ecological, health, social, migration, political, economic, cultural crises we are experiencing today?
If this is the 6th mass extinction, how is it different from the previous ones?
What impacts does the ecological breakdown already have today?
Whose lives are most impacted by the situation?
If the ecological problem is so bad, how come I do not feel its direct effects on my life?
To what extent is our present ecological trajectory a normal evolution of the human species?
To what extent is extinction not the destiny of the human species?
What alternatives do we have as a species but to grow and to collapse?
What has brought us to the present situation of ecological emergency?
What are the root causes of the environmental problems?
What are the main drivers of the ecological breakdown?
Who carries most responsibility for the problem?
Nobody wants to destroy the planet. Why is it still happening?
What did we do wrong to end up in this situation of ecological emergency?
What choices did we have through history to follow another path?
To what extent was the progress of the past 100 years really a step forward?
What do social and ecological problems have in common?
What do racism and environmental degradation have in common?
What does it mean to be a “modern westerner”?
If the whole world would live like the average European citzen, how would the situation look like?
Who lives more sustainable lives, the rich, or the poor?
Is there a chance for all 7.8 billion humans on earth to live happy, sustainable lives?
What does “business as usual” mean for me?
Who is “we” in this list of questions?
Why do so many people seem not to believe in the gravity of the ecological emergency?
Who can we best rely on to explain what is really taking place on Earth?
How much is it possible to actually know and understand about our present ecological situation?
How aware are people of the situation we are in?
What difference would it make if everybody were well informed about the ecological crises?
Which kind of knowledge do we mostly turn to when we look for solutions?
What kind of knowledge is most helpful in the search for viable solutions?
Why aren’t people doing more to counter the ecological catastrophe?
Who would deliberately block efforts to counter the ecological catastrophe, and why?
Why can’t we trust our governments to solve the issue?
How much energy may a human being consume?
Why is “zero emissions” a lie?
How much safer would we all be if scientists found an endless clean source of energy?
Would it not reduce our ecological footprint if everything could be done online?
Can the money on our bank accounts save the planet if it is invested in the right way?
Can environmental justice be economically profitable?
Can economic growth be green?
What will my children eat if we stop industrial farming?
How can so many people be stronger together?
What form of democracy is needed to address the root causes of the ecological problem?
What plan are we following today to counter the ecological catastrophe?
To which extent are we at present really addressing the causes of the problem?
How to distinguish between the symptoms and the causes of the ecological breakdown?
How can we best measure the progresses we make in fighting ecological breakdown?
Can the environment be fixed?
Humans have always found a way to overcome their problems, why shouldn’t it be the case with the ecological issue ?
Who has the responsibility to change things today?
Paris Agreement, Green New Deal, COP24, COP 25… would it be enough if they would just do more?
What are the 3 most useful things I can do to act against the ecological catastrophe?
What will happen over the next 25 years?
How to live with the damage that has already been done?
How ready are we to deal with the present and future effects of environmental breakdown?
Are there any good examples which we could follow?
What kind of education do our granchildren need to be able to live without destroying life?
What good life makes sense to long for?
What can we believe in beyond measurable values?
How to lead a good life in a bad life?
Can we manage nature ?
What makes our lives worth living?
How to face the facts and not despair?
What worlds are there still for us to discover?