Christophe Meierhans

More than Enough

More than Enough is a campaign initiated and run by a collective of activists, academics, artists and scientists. It aims at promoting post-growth ideas and values and to help a convergence between ecological, social justice and decolonial struggles. Organised around a central manifesto spelling basic pathways towards a well-being society, More than Enough is also a coalition of over 20 belgian civil society organisations ranging from a labor union, to anti-poverty, environmental, women’s rights, entrepreneurial, or solidarity NGO’s.

More than Enough stands for a holistic approach to policy making in which drastically reducing the size of the world’s wealthier economies is not only considered an absolute necessity for the survival of humanity but also as the most likely path towards economic, social and racial justice, both locally and globally. The manifesto advocates for

  • redefining the core values and objectives of policy making,
  • establishing planetary boundaries as the non-negociable biophysical framework for all human activity,
  • achieving a fair wealth distribution as a core condition for human well being,
  • guaranteeing universal basic services as minimum life conditions,
  • guaranteeing dignified and useful jobs for everyone as means to addess ecological and social challenges while revaluing essential work,
  • proactively fostering a transformation towards cultures of solidarity, sustainablility and resilience
  • adopting a global framework to assess and establish social justice
  • establishing truly democratic regimes of decision making as a condition for an as efficient and peaceful transformation of our lives as possible

More than Enough is member of the International Degrowth and networks.

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