Arts au Futur
Let’s imagine another society for a moment. Not the unattainable science-fiction society of a distant future, but a society where everyone would simply be able to lead a good life without hindering other lives, human or non-human: a society in which social justice and ecological sustainability would have been truly achieved. What would our artistic practices look like in such a society? Based on a work of collective speculative narration, this workshop proposes to project ourselves into a desirable future in order to imagine artistic practices that would be liberated from the neo-liberal and individualistic imperatives, the extractive conditions of production and the colonial relations that underpin our present. What would be the place and role of artistic practices in such a society? Who would practise them, for whom, and why? And in what way? Would ‘making art’ as we understand it today still make sense? We will explore what the ways of making a just and sustainable future could teach us about the way we make art today. Wouldn’t it be possible to put them into practice straight away? Arts au Futur is an attempt to sketch out a few prototypes.
conception & coordination: Christophe Meierhans
futurologist: Anna Czapski
commission & production: ArBA-EsA, Bruxelles
Nov-Dec 2024 — ArBA-EsA, Bruxelles