Time for Answers
When we searched:
‘how to talk to adults about climate breakdown’,
we got:
‘DID YOU MEAN: how to talk to children about climate breakdown?
No that’s not what we meant.
In Time for Answers, child discovers the questions adult finds difficult (and not because adult doesn’t know the answers)
Question 8:
When you read all the bad news about the environment in the newspaper, what happens to the information once it’s in your brain?
A list of questions, a list of silences.
A two part score for :
– child (aged 8 and above
– parent / adult relative / guardian
Time for Answers also exists as a hosted installation for organisations, theatres, festivals.
conception & creation: Ant Hampton & Christophe Meierhans, 2020
commissioned by: Kaaitheater and “1000 Scores, Pieces for Here, Now & Later”, A project by Helgard Haug, David Helbich & Cornelius Puschke, produced by Rimini Apparat, coproduced by PACT Zollverein, Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Goethe Institut / Federal Foreign Office of Germany and KANAL – Centre Pompidou.